Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rice Krispy .. Halloween theme

.. Halloween ..

Sorry for late post but %#@%$#@ (Hope you understand :D)

Well, what are these? These are Halloween treats for kids (and adult, why not?!) that i made for our lovely kids neighborhood party. Yes, Rice Krispy. It's Quick, Easy, Yummy and last but not least, kids-friendly :) Even kids can make their own!

Cinnamon Crown Bread

"What a beautiful food!" That's the first thought i have on my mind when i first saw this recipe. Then, here come the second thought "I will have to make this". Doesn't matter what it's going to taste like (and yes! it tastes great :)). It's look so beautiful that i would love to have it on my dinner table this evening :) So, let's make it!

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