Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rice Krispy .. Halloween theme

.. Halloween ..

Sorry for late post but %#@%$#@ (Hope you understand :D)

Well, what are these? These are Halloween treats for kids (and adult, why not?!) that i made for our lovely kids neighborhood party. Yes, Rice Krispy. It's Quick, Easy, Yummy and last but not least, kids-friendly :) Even kids can make their own!

Let's see how to make them :)

.. Smiley Pumpkins ..

Pumpkins: You will need
  • Rice Krispy bars
  • Candy coats: Orange and green  color (or white candy coats with gel feed coloring)
  • Chocolate chips (or chocolate candy coat)
  • mini Marshmallows
* To melt candy coat: In a deep small bowl, put in candy coat 1/2 to 2/3 full. Then heat in microwave for 30 seconds (less if you have less candy, more if you have more candy). Take out the bowl to stir, put it back in microwave and heat for another 5 - 10 seconds - stir - heat - stir until all candy coat are melted.

* To be able to write with the candy coat (candy pen): simply scoop some melted candy coat in a small plastic bag, attach the open end with elastic to make shape like a cone then cut a tiny hole at one corner.

How to:
  • Holding the Rice Krispy bar by the middle, gently dip the bar half way into ORANGE melted candy coat.
  • Drop one mini marshmallow into GREEN melted candy coat. Pull it back up with toothpick (or fork) then place it on top of pumpkin bar.
  • Draw the leaf and face with candy pen.

.. Grumpy Frankenstein ..

Frankenstein: You will need
  • Rice Krispy bars
  • Candy coats: green  color (or white candy coats with gel feed coloring)
  • Chocolate chips (or chocolate candy coat)
  • mini Marshmallows
  • Optional: Pretzel stick, M&M (you can simply using candy pen to make that instead)
* To melt candy coat: In a deep small bowl, put in candy coat 1/2 to 2/3 full. Then heat in microwave for 30 seconds (less if you have less candy, more if you have more candy). Take out the bowl to stir, put it back in microwave and heat for another 5 - 10 seconds - stir - heat - stir until all candy coat are melted.

* To be able to write with the candy coat (candy pen): simply scoop some melted candy coat in a small plastic bag, attach the open end with elastic to make shape like a cone then cut a tiny hole at one corner. 

How to:
  • Holding the Rice Krispy bar by the middle, gently dip the bar half way into GREEN melted candy coat.
  • Dip two mini marshmallow into GREEN melted candy coat. Then place it on each side of Frankenstein bar.
  • Place 2 M&M as en eyes and Pretzel stick on top. (or simply draw all the face with candy pen)
  • Once dry, dip the top part, just only on the edge, into melted chocolate chips. With the help of toothpick, dip into melted chocolate then tap on the forehead to create hair.  

 .. Curious Spiders ..

Spider, you will need:
  • Rice Krispy bars
  • Chocolate chips (or chocolate candy coat)
  • Black Licorice 
  • Black sugar (or sprinkle)
  • Optional: Pretzel stick, M&M (you can simply using candy pen to make that instead)
* To melt candy coat: In a deep small bowl, put in candy coat 1/2 to 2/3 full. Then heat in microwave for 30 seconds (less if you have less candy, more if you have more candy). Take out the bowl to stir, put it back in microwave and heat for another 5 - 10 seconds - stir - heat - stir until all candy coat are melted.

How to:
  • To make round shape, press all 4 corners hard.
  • With a tooth pick, create 8 holes by pushing the tooth pick into the side of the bar, then move (in circle direction) a bit to enlarge the hole. Cut Black Licorice into a short stick then insert into the hole. Repeat until finish 8 legs.
  • Holding the Rice Krispy bar by the middle, gently dip the bar half way into melted chocolate candy coat.
  • Dip into black sugar until coated all chocolate.
  • Place 2 M&M as en eyes and dot with black sparkle or with melted chocolate candy coat (or simply draw all the face with candy pen)

.. Silent Mummies ..

Mummy, you will need:
  • Rice Krispy bars
  • White candy coat
  • White fondant or white frosting
  • Optional: Pretzel stick, M&M (you can simply using candy pen to make that instead)
* To melt candy coat: In a deep small bowl, put in candy coat 1/2 to 2/3 full. Then heat in microwave for 30 seconds (less if you have less candy, more if you have more candy). Take out the bowl to stir, put it back in microwave and heat for another 5 - 10 seconds - stir - heat - stir until all candy coat are melted.

How to:
  • Holding the Rice Krispy bar by the middle, gently dip the bar half way into WHITE melted candy coat.
  • Place 2 M&M as en eyes (or simply draw all the face with candy pen)
  • Roll white fondant into a rectangle shape then cut (with a knife or pizza cutter) into stripes.
  • Place each stripe overlap each other to create mummy cover. Repeat until cover all the bar.

All together in a yard ready for .. Boo! Boo! Boo! 
^_^ Happy (Belated) Halloween ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Great !Here a various types of Halloween candies Recipe,I made these candies and my children like very much Its too yummy thanks as sharing for all tasty recipies
    adventskalender kinder


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